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Money and duty free for Zimbabwe

Currency and Money

Currency information

The Zimbabwean Dollar was abandoned early 2009.

Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWD; symbol Z$) = 100 cents. Notes were in denominations of Z$200,000, 100,000, 50,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2. Coins are in denominations of Z$5, 2 and 1, and 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 cents.

The country has adopted a multi-currency scheme; the US Dollar and South African Rand can be used for domestic transactions.

Credit cards

American Express, Diners Club and Visa are widely accepted, whilst MasterCard has more limited use. Some ATMs accept credit cards.


Some ATMs accept credit cards.

Travellers cheques

Banks and major hotels will exchange these. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller's cheques in US Dollars or Pounds Sterling.

Banking hours

Mon-Tues and Thurs-Fri 0800-1500, Wed 0800-1300 and Sat 0800-1130.

Currency restrictions

The import and export of local currency is limited to Z$15,000. The import of foreign currency is unlimited. The export of foreign currency is unlimited as long as declared on entry.

Currency exchange

Major foreign currencies can be exchanged at bureaux de change, banks and major hotels at the official exchange rate.

Zimbabwe duty free


The following items may be imported into Zimbabwe once a month by travellers aged 18 and over without incurring customs duty:

• 5L of alcoholic drinks (of which up to 2L may be spirits).

• Goods up to the value of US$200 except for foods like flour, sugar, meat, fish, powdered milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, jam and honey etc. as well as appliances like stoves and refrigerators and furniture like beds among other things, which always incur duty.


Banned Imports

Prohibited items include pornographic or obscene literature, flick knives, lockable knives, skin lightening creams containing hydroquinone and mercury, counterfeit money, prison-made goods, alcoholic drinks containing noxious chemicals, and anything deemed to threaten the morals of Zimbabweans.

Restricted items include drugs, firearms and ammunition, wildlife and wildlife products, agricultural produce, plants and plant products, soil, cultural relics and monuments, and local and foreign currency.

Banned Exports

All banned and restricted imports and also banned or restricted from being exported.

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